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Class Experience

The Class Experience


"Abide in me, and I will abide in you... As the branch cannot bear fruit by itself, unless it abides in the Vine, neither can you, unless you abide in Me."

John 15: 4-5


Father’s heartbeat is for us to live deeply rooted by His streams of Living Water; drinking continually from the outpouring of Holy Spirit. But often, even in our response to Him, we are led by the fast food spirit of this age that is contrary to God's very nature and His way.


The class experience is designed to teach us how to ‘ABIDE’…not come and go from His presence. He never leaves us or forsakes us, but it is we who must remain in Him, and He will remain in us. This is living in the power of our inheritance, right here…right now.   


The Class Experience is set up for us to meet once a week for four weeks. Our class time together is spent experiencing Him, learning from His Word, and actively responding to Him. Then, we depart to spend our week apart applying what we learned and experienced. By repeatedly coming back together to focus on the same point – His word, His character, and His way becomes a part of who we are, not just something we agree with.


"You need make no efforts to grow. But let your efforts instead be all concentrated on this, that you abide in the Vine.”

Hannah Whitall Smith (pub: 1877)





This is a beautiful experience.

  • The class is free

  • A commitment to all four weeks is required

  • General information below

  • Once you sign up, you will receive more specific information



Upcoming Class Experience:


Open to men & women 


Thursday, Feb 6, 13, 20, 27



Westhaven Residents Club

401 Cheltenham Ave Franklin 37064


Commitment to all 4 classes is required 

25 max occupancy 

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