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Kathleen Shore

To Know Him In Intimacy…

Updated: Jun 25, 2019

Is To See Him In Everything ~

“Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of

what we do not see.” Hebrews 11:1

Two years had past since Dad died and the frozen temperatures of the white out storm I had driven into echoed the condition of my heartache.

Initially, I was unaware of the magnitude of my situation as I drove up the Colorado Rocky Mountain pass at 17 years old, just as snow began to fall. Within minutes my visibility was reduced to about ten feet in front of me as the steep incline of the road continued to climb.

Confident of the task, I decided it would be best to put chains on two of my tires for traction. I assured myself - I knew what to do. Emotional strength seemed to undergird me for a moment, as I remembered how proud Dad was watching me tackle practical things he felt to teach me. But this time, I was alone.

Tightening the chains as well as I could with cold fingers, I crawled back inside my car. To finish, I would need to drive forward a short distance and then tighten them again before I could move on. Reaching to put the gear into drive, fear drove a stake into my chest as I realized I now couldn’t see anything. Not the wall of rock to my right that went straight up, or the shear drop to my left just beyond the one lane between us. Not even the hood of my car was visible. My heart felt crippled as I peered out the window at my surroundings, looking for some point of reference so that I could safely move. But everything was white. There was no dividing yellow line on the road; not even a tree or twig for a guide. I was caught in a place that was deadly to move, and to not.

At the age of 15, I had the beautiful encounter of watching my Dad step over the threshold from this earthly life to his heavenly home, and since then I had spent much of the time clinging to one promise in particular - “I will be a Father to the fatherless.”

Not only was God on the move in my circumstances, paving a way in front of me with amazing provision, protection, and divine connections for His purpose, but He was also carving out His way in me. He wanted me to know Him. He wanted me to see Him, straight through the mirage of the enemy in my circumstances, no matter what the conditions presented.

Having done all I knew to do, I closed my eyes and whispered, “Father, please show me what to do?” And with my eyes still closed He whisper back to my spirit…”Can you see me?” Within His question, I felt called upward to know His answer as the figure of a man outlined in light came into clear view ahead of me. Assuring me further, Father spoke again, “Now open your eyes.” As I opened my eyes, the figure of light was still there.

Drawn by His love and detailed care of me, I eased my foot off the brake and began to inch toward Him. In holy fear of what I was doing, yet in total belief of Him, I whispered back, “I can still see you.”

Very aware of the curve and bend of the road when I had stopped, I took great comfort in knowing that my Father knew this neck of the woods like the back of His hand…the very hand that had created it. So, I followed on.

I followed for what seemed forever, but the distance I had covered on the ground that day did not come close to how far He had brought me to Himself.

  • Have you become crippled by the painful trial of your earthly circumstance?

  • Or blinded by confusion in the storm the enemy has kick up around you?

  • Do you feel at a dead standstill, perishing for lack of vision?

Oh my valuable friend, HE is the vision that without it we are perishing.

Follow on… Follow His love of you in the white out storm of your circumstance. With eyes to see and ears to hear, follow Him with unreserved belief that He knows the terrain. He knows the bend and curve of the road you are on.

Follow on with Him in your marriage, in raising your children. You do not need an earthly point of reference and comparison to ensure that you are safe. You will arrive at His full destiny and purpose for your life as you simply fix your eyes on His love of you. This will allow the peace of God to rule and reign in you, providing in you the place He longs to dwell.

Get back to believing what God has spoken of you, of your marriage, your spouse, your children…before the foundations of the earth were laid. This is truth! This is the truth laid up in the spirit realm that is more real than what you can see with your natural eye. This truth cannot be voided, avoided, or return to Him void.

Follow on with Him, though it seems an impassable mountain stands in front of you… Yes, blindly follow Him, and He will give you sight.

“For in this hope we were saved. But hope that is seen is no hope at all.

Who hopes for what he already sees? But if we hope for what we do

not yet see we wait for it patiently.” Romans 8:24, 25

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