…for His fullness

“Abide In Me, and I will abide in you.” John 15:4
I can do nothing on my own. The more I try to save myself, figure out my problems…the more I strive to do good things for Him, or think I know what is best for me…all this will bring me to a wearied confusion that fills me with the clutter of ‘self’.
Jesus, our example, kept His heart and mind fixed on Father’s love as the root and life source of his journey here on earth. He walked out Father’s predestined ‘will be done’ by staying filled with the power source of Father’s love. Jesus wouldn’t leave a town where he was hated, unless the Father said, “Move.” Nor would he linger in a place where he was loved, unless Father said, “Wait.” He was living with a perfect forgetfulness of ‘self’ and completely ‘one with the Father’. In this, he was fully satisfied. In oneness with the Father, Jesus never lost sight of who he was, where he came from, or where he was going.
It is a beautiful reassurance that NOTHING can come against or separate us from Father’s love. Nothing.
His love:
knows no boundaries
has no limitations
disqualifies no one from it’s transforming power and beauty.
He is always with us…never leaves us…and goes ahead of us to prepare the way in every situation.
And yet…
He hovers over us searching for a place to land. His eyes are roaming, looking for the one who will respond to His love poured out by giving Him a resting place…His rightful place. Isaiah 66:1 “Where is the house you will build for me? Where will my resting place be?” From Genesis to Revelation Father’s heartbeat is after us to know Him in intimacy. Longing for us to live in the powerful fruit of our inheritance, His love is patient for us to lay down every other love that has caught our attention, so that His fullness would become our constant state of being. He will not push aside what we are so tightly holding on to, and forcefully make room for Himself. He waits for us to choose Him over our insatious allowance of fear, doubt, worry, anxious thoughts, or even the infectious disease of hurry and carrying the details of the day on our own shoulders.
Like uncovering hidden treasure, long sought after, Father so graciously reveals Himself to us - as the place we were made to dwell. Over and over, as though it was for the first time, He anchors our desires back to intimacy with Him - The Power Source. “Abide In Me,” He invites, “And I will abide in you.” The Vine not only knows what will satisfied us but what will bear much fruit, because He designed us. “The fruit of His righteousness will be peace; it’s effect with be quietness and confidence forever…” Isaiah 32:17
Father’s heartbeat is that we would live in oneness with Him, just as He and the Son are one. My beautiful friend, you were created with a longing to know Father’s love to the deepest depths. And so, nothing else will satisfy the hunger for Father, Son, and Holy Spirit to occupy and take full possession of you.
Begin your journey then, of living moment by moment in surrender and trust to His love of you. In answering His desire to be one with you, learn to carry an internal posture of rest. This internal posture of rest is NOT getting everything set straight, getting yourself fixed or healed so you can relax and let go. This rest is emptying out the clutter of self that’s taking up the space within us, created for Him alone. So instead of striving for what you desire, concentrate on this one thing ~ that you abide in the Vine. Here, you will know the power of His fullness like you’ve never known before.
Emptying out the clutter of self will shift your focus to see only Him! Without words, your empty of self reaches for Him, opens the door, and invites Him in to occupy your vessel with full power.
“Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone will hear my voice and open the door, I will come into him and eat with him, and he with me.”
Rev. 3:20
“Look at Me,” Jesus invites us. “See Me standing at the door of your heart amidst painful trials of this earthly life. My love of you is knocking, calling you by name to open up. I am the door, right here…reach for Me and open up. I will come into you. I will fill you with the fullness of fellowship and oneness with Me. Open the door to My comfort. I will feed you, sustain you, and strengthen you upon every step. My love has already answered everything that concerns you…I have already won! Now let me champion your heart.”